Blog: This Week in the Woods

Welcome to Our Blog!

Spring is apparent in Fugate Woods! Join in the ever-changing discoveries as the wild flowers dance across the woodland floor and the migrating birds fill the air with their songs.

Welcome to our blog "What's Happening This Week in the Woods". We invite you to come back each week to read what's new in the woods, what plants and wildlife to look for, and get a heads-up about activities going on in the woods!

Also, be sure to visit the Fugate Woods Home Page on a regular basis and look through the "Schedule of Events" on the right side of the page to see what events are taking place.

Volunteer Opportunity There are numerous volunteer opportunities available, contact a woods steward to see how you can help! From helping with educational classes to providing stewardship for a trail area, you'll find many ways to get close to nature and make a difference! If you are interested in helping maintain a trail, please contact us right away, as the training is coming up in May!

Archived Blog Entries

< Back to Current Year Blog

09.08.2011  Illinois Prairie Week

08.01.2011  Gone Batty!

07.26.2011  Bluebirds

07.12.2011  Colors of the Woods

06.27.2011  A Whale of a Tale!

06.13.2011  Unique Sightings

05.31.2011  Wood ducks and muskrats and carp, Oh My!

05.12.2011  ...and under your feet, Earth!

05.04.2011  A Silver Lining

04.25.2011  Sharing With Younger Generations

04.20.2011  Tiny Pantaloons

04.11.2011  The Woodland Floor is Coming To Life

04.07.2011  Welcome to Our Blog!

Discover • Explore • Enjoy

 Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Fugate Woods Nature Preserve. All rights reserved.